Requirements to Become a Community Partner

Partner organizations must have at least 1 year of non-profit experience.
We?ll need a copy of the 501(c)3 Declaration Letter from the IRS indicating that your organization has been operating for a minimum of 1 year. Churches can provide their Articles of Incorporation in lieu of this letter.

Distributed without discrimination.
All products or goods received from Feed the Children must be distributed to individuals who are genuinely in need and/or for projects that relate to the community partner?s mission. Donations must be distributed freely, regardless of gender, race, or religious background, and without required participation (actively or passively) in any religious services.

Do not sell, barter, or trade.
Product or other goods received from Feed the Children cannot be sold, traded, or bartered in any manner. Community partners are responsible for maintaining accurate distribution records and required to complete Donation Feedback Reports.

Stored, Safe, and Secure
All donations must also be stored in a safe, secure location to protect the integrity of the product and may not be stored at a residence, under carports, tarps, mini storage, or public storage units.
How to Become a Community Partner
- Please review Feed the Children’s Community Partner Requirements to ensure your organization’s eligibility for partnership. Community Partner Application Requirements
- Answer the questions below to provide brief information about your organzation.? This is NOT the partnership application.
- A member of Feed the Children’s Community Partner Development team will follow up to provide you additional instructions to complete an application.